因为A-SOiD被教导要关注算法的不确定性,而不是对所有数据一视同仁,卡内基梅隆大学最近的博士校友Alex Hsu说,它避免了其他人工智能模型中常见的偏见
波恩大学医院的波恩大学博士后研究员Jens Tillmann表示,向所有研究人员开放该项目的想法是其影响的一部分
Yttri和波恩大学医院首席研究员、波恩大学跨学科研究领域(TRA)“生命与健康”成员Martin K.Schwarz,计划在他们自己的实验室中使用A-SOiD来进一步研究大脑和行为之间的关系。Yttri计划将A-SOiD与其他工具结合起来研究自发行为的神经机制。Schwartz将A-SOiD与其他行为模式相结合,对社交互动中的已知行为进行细粒度分析
Jens Tillmann, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Bonn at the University Hospital Bonn, said that the idea of having this program open to all researchers was part of its impact.
"This project wouldn't have been possible without the open science mindset that both of our labs, but also the entire community of neuroethology have shown in recent years," Tillmann said. "I am excited to be part of this community and look forward to future collaborative projects with other experts in the field."
Yttri and Martin K. Schwarz, principal investigator at the University Hospital Bonn and member of the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA) "Life & Health" at the University of Bonn, plan on using A-SOiD in their own labs to further investigate the relationship between the brain and behavior. Yttri plans to use A-SOiD in conjunction with other tools to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying spontaneous behaviors. Schwartz will use A-SOiD in conjunction with other behavioral modalities for a fine-grained analysis of known behaviors in social interactions.
Both Yttri and Schwarz said they hope that A-SOiD will be used by other researchers across disciplines and countries.
"A-SOiD is an important development allowing an AI-based entry into behavioral classification and thus an excellent unique opportunity to better understand the causal relationship between brain activity and behavior," Schwarz said. "We also hope that the development of A-SOiD will serve as an efficient trigger for forthcoming collaborative research projects focusing on behavioral research in Europe but also across the Atlantic."